Re: [Xen-users] How to add additional drivers to xen-kernel ?
well first of all you ask me to tell you in detail and then you say i am
repeating questions...obviously what i asked before was similar to what i
asked in detail. You were quite confident and i thought you might presnt
your view in some great way. But nevermind it happens..
I understood most of the things but yeh few things are still unclear but
there is no point asking here as there are no much people who knows much
about this except mats i guess..And he already gave me enough information.
So thanks to him
Anyway i agree about the homework thing, so i should not waste my time in
writing now. Ill better do some homework...cya
Marduk-5 wrote:
> I think these questions have been answered a number of times by people
> on this mailing list that are trying to help you. You, however, seem to
> keep asking the same questions over and over again which leaves me to
> one of the following conclusions:
> a) You're not listening.
> b) You don't understand.
> c) You have nothing better to do with your time.
> In the first two cases perhaps you need to do a little homework yourself
> and then come back to this mailing list so that you can ask *specific*
> questions that others might be able to help you with. If it's the third
> case then could you please go some place else?
> -m
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