Re: [Xen-users] Iptables & compiling
Xen Help wrote:
David Johnson wrote:
Ok, this is from my notes:
1. Installed lean version of CentOs
2. Installed everything as listed here
http://mark.foster.cc/wiki/index.php/Xen_on_CentOS-4 (and the README
from the source code)
Oy. You can save a lot of work and compilation time if you just use the
RHEL 4 RPM's from Xensource.
My only problem left is with iptables which somehow is not working,
somehow not loading modules or else.
lsmod only provides this and I try to compile with netfilters BUT I am
not familiar enough yet with the Makefile of Xen.
I did get an error about Microcode stuff but...
This is pretty much trial and error work, it is a pitty the doc is so
scarce, most friends have switched over to Vmware:
A bunch of us could use help setting up iptables for Xen: most folks
seem to just turn it off.
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