Re: [Xen-users] Xen in a 32 way system
For what its worth, I have not tried Xen with FC5.. no time to do
so... BUT I have run it with SLES successfully...
If I understand the process correctly, to use Xen you need a xen aware
kernel... in SLES there is a standard SLES kernel and a Xen aware
SLES kernel...and you must boot the SLES Xen kernel to run Xend and
have Xen functionality...
Now, supposing that it is different for FC5 and the FC5 kernel itself
IS xen aware, instead of going the SLES route and having seperate
kernels (which would be a surprise as Red Hat seems to just love
spinning a new kernel for every different feature), it still seems to
me that the kernel you are booting is not set up to handle > 16
processors... that was fixed by Red Hat and the Linux community with
the bigsmp stuff...
that is why you can boot when you limit cpus to 16, but not when you
try booting 32... if apic=bigsmp does not work on FC5, then there may
be an FC5 equiv boot parameter that will enable bigsmp, IF the support
is there in the FC5 kernel...
Like I said previously, I have only tried this with SLES, so YMMV....
On 5/31/06, Pablo Montesinos <pablomontesinos@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
But the problems I am experiencing are before I see dom0 boot, so I doubt
it's has anything to do with fedora core, no?
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