Re: [Xen-users] Success with RHEL 4.1 build?
On Wed, May 17, 2006 at 05:07:52AM -0600, John R. Shannon wrote:
> I had no problem building under CentOS 4.3 which is a RHEL clone.
> Nothing special was required. What problem are you encountering?
Basically, the following errors at boot:
Loading <module>.ko module
<module>: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module
insmod: error inserting '/lib/<module>.ko': -1 Invalid module format
ERROR: /bin/insmod exited normally
(Repeats for each module)
This is on a Dell 380n, BTW, which comes with RHEL 4.1 compiled for
the x86_64 arch. I'm trying to keep these workstations as "stock" as
possible (not a requirement, but more for reasons of time available to
test other distros somewhat lacking).
Things I've tried:
1. make world, etc... (per the docs)
Compiles fine, initial boot is fine, module loading errors.
2. Thinking that there may be some modules necessary for the
particular workstation I'm compiling for, I painstakingly diff'd the
.9 and .16 .config files. Compile errors (mostly not being able to
find *.ko files) led me to abandon this approach after much time spent
modifying kernel configuration params.
3. Another post on the xen-users lists indicated that symbol-related
errors might be due to the wrong modules being pulled into the initrd
boot image. So I tried the following:
$ depmod -F /boot/System.map-2.6.16-xen 2.6.16-xen
$ mkinitrd -o /boot/xen.img 2.6.16-xen
Same errors as above.
That's where I'm at now.
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