Re: [Xen-users] Xen using Multiple Networks
Perhaps I should outline my idea with a bit more detail.
I want to migrate my Xen server from one physical network to another
physical network over the course of a week. To do this, I want to have my
DomU's running able to bind to an IP address on both physical networks so
the transition is seemless. Currently its set up with one bridge (xen-br0)
which is bound to our primary ethernet interface eth0, which is connected to
our old subnet.
I was thinking about creating a secondary bridge (we'll call it xen-br1) and
attach my second ethernet interface eth1 (which is on the new physical
subnet) to it. The original bridge(xen-br0, which is attached to eth0 which
is on the old physical subnet) would remain untouched.
Then I had planned to set up this second bridge interface(xen-br1) with a
default route on the new subnet, and for each DomU I would have it create
two virtual network interfaces using the following line in each domain
config file:
vif = [ 'bridge=xen-br0', 'bridge=xen-br1' ]
Then would I be able to use the first virtual interface in each DomU to
access the old subnet, and the second virtual interface in each DomU to
access the new subnet?
I am concerned that this might create conflicting route-table entries. If I
add a virtual interface from each DomU to both bridges, is Xen going to be
able to know which route to use for incoming and outgoing traffic, or do I
need to use some other means of NAT along with this?
I appreciate Braulio's suggestion to change the default routes using two
different interfaces, but I'm still unsure how Xen will respond to this.
Again, I am running Xen-2.0 and have 6 DomU machines running on my server.
Will this idea work, if not is there a better way to do this? I'm looking
for a specific example if possible.
Any suggestions or ideas are very much welcome.
Thanks in advance!
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