Re: [Xen-users] Xen and iSCSI
Ralph Passgang wrote:
Physical Disk / RAID0 (Stripes) / DRBD / LVM / GNBD
I was thinking about a similar setup. Although the other option mentioned
above, i.e.:
Physical / RAID ... / DRBD / GNBD / CLVM
also has its merrits.
Using gnbd over drbd sounds cool. Do you or does anyone else have a
heartbeat resource script for gnbd (to be used with drbd)?
no, only the normal drbd files but they are working very well (as long as
gnbd itself is not the problem, and I never had problems with gnbd within
my tests).
I am just wondering what happens if you do /etc/init.d/heartbeat stop (or
equivalent) on the current primary. The resource.d/drbddisk script will just
do "drbdadm secondary $res", so the resource will suddenly become
inaccessible to gnbd_serv. If you don't stop it before, will it not crash or
Ah well, there is still the LVM layer in your setup. So will LVM_stop(),
i.e. vgchange -a -n $1 work at all while gnbd_serv is accessing the logical
The clients will afterwards access the other host because of IP migration,
ok, but what will happen at switching back to the first host without some
Well, I will setup a "cluster" of 4 servers for testing next week (two xen
hosts, two "san" hosts). I will hopefully be able to answer these questions
myself then. :-)
Best Regards,
Michael Paesold
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