Re: [Xen-users] Xen 3.0 with NetBSD ?
> Now, I have to choose: either wiping out Xen 3.0 and downgrading to
> Xen 2.0 *or* waiting for a NetBSD image with Xen 3.0 support.
> My question is: do you think I can expect the NetBSD for Xen 3.0 image
> in the next weeks or should I be more patient and still use Xen 2.0 in
> the mean time?
Side note: I can't comment on the availability of NetBSD for Xen 3.0. But I
think you'll find that Xen 2.0 will offer most of the features you'd want and
work well with NetBSD. If you want to run Linux (2.4 or 2.6), Plan 9 or
FreeBSD, you won't be able to get such a recent kernel for Xen 2.0 (not much
maintenance happens now the 3.0 work is so active) but it will still work.
You can upgrade to Xen 3.0 (which has loads of improvements and a few major
extra features, e.g. smp guests) later on and your experience with Xen 2.0
would help you with that.
Dave: Just a question. What use is a unicyle with no seat? And no pedals!
Mark: To answer a question with a question: What use is a skateboard?
Dave: Skateboards have wheels.
Mark: My wheel has a wheel!
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