RE: [Xen-users] Xen for FC4-x86_64
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Harald Grossauer [mailto:harald.grossauer@xxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 06 December 2005 14:09
> To: Petersson, Mats
> Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Xen for FC4-x86_64
> Petersson, Mats wrote:
> >Xen 2.x doesn't work in 64-bit, so there's no way that you
> could build
> >a working Xen 2.x on a FC4 x86_64. [Pedantica note: Ok so,
> you could,
> >in theory, build the source into a 32-bit image, but it wouldn't be
> >able to boot your Dom0 unless you alos have a separate
> 32-bit install
> >somewhere on the machine, as some tools and utilities that
> are needed
> >in the startup have to be installed as 32-bit images. For
> example, FC4
> >x86_64 would be deliverd with 64-bit version of Python,
> whilst you need
> >a 32-bit Python in 32-bit.]
> >
> >For 64-bit Xen, you need the 3.0-testing or something like that.
> >
> >
> Well, I found a prebuilt binary package called IIRC
> xen-unstable-x86_64.tgz. So I strongly assumed this one to be 64bit.
> Unfortunately I did not get it to run.
Yes, that's a 3.0-unstable version, which I think is quite old - the
source has seen something around 50-70 changes per day for the last
several months, so something that is about 5-6 months old would probably
be rather a lot behind todays code... 3.0 is now at the "testing" phase,
which means that only critical fixes that actually fix REAL bugs are
allowed in... Or at least, that's how I've understood it.
I'd say that 3.0-testing would be a much better bet than the bundled
x86_64 snapshot from several months ago.
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