RE: [Xen-users] xen 3.0 Test CD v1 released
> On 11/25/05, David Muench <davemuench@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I just ran an md5sum on my iso, and it doesn't match up
> with what's on
> > the xensource page at all. I downloaded that iso from the
> Pennsylvania
> > mirror. I'm going to try the Texas one now and see if that
> works.. You
> > might want to see if your iso is corrupt also.
> The iso downloaded from Texas has the appropriate md5sum. I'm
> burning it now. The Pennsylvania one should be double checked
> by the xensource guys.
I've downloaded the iso from the Penn mirror and checked the md5sum and
it looks OK. Are you sure it wasn't truncated when you pulled it? The
size is 530554880 bytes.
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