Re: [Xen-users] Installing Xen on Redhat RHEL4
On Tuesday 27 September 2005 09:45, pierre.gentile@xxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hello,
> Are you sure, I dowloaded the last unstable sources and the provided
> Makefile do not allow me to patch the CentOS 4 kernel to make it a DOM0
> kernel
> Does it exist a procedure to do that ?
> What I want is to have a kernel-2.6.9-11.EL-xen0 kernel
Well, the normal procedure would be:
- unpack your (centos patched) kernel sources (install the kernel source rpm)
- copy the xen kernel sparse tree into the source directory
- apply the xen patches
- make ARCH=xen menuconfig
- make ARCH=xen
if applying the patches fails, you'll have to patch it by hand, or use a
kernel source "compatible" with xen.
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