RE: [Xen-users] xendemo-3.x.iso?
> Is there by any chance a Xen demo CD for the current unstable tree?
> I'd like to be able to test Xen 3 on my AMD64 without risking
> my data and without extended downtime.
We've put together a test CD which would at least tell you whether Xen
3vworks on your platoform OK. It's currently just with some test
partners, but will be made avaiable for general download later this
week. It's a live ISO that boots a native linux kernel and runs
automated tests, then reboots into 32 bit Xen and runs the same tests,
then repeats with reboots into 32 bit PAE xen and where appropriate
64bit Xen. It records a tar file of the results that it then tries to
upload to xensource.com for post processing. The CD will also run
network tests if you run another copy of the CG booted into network
server mode on a machine on the same subnet (thye use mDNS to find each
We'll do a 3.0 demo CD after the official release.
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