Thanks, Ernst! It works swimmingly now.
>On Saturday 30 July 2005 14:43, Ricardo wrote:
>>Right, so I'm brand new to xen, and I've had success in making xen boot
>>(kernel /boot/xen-2.0.6.gz module /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.11-xen0), but
>>there are a couple major issues.
>>1) The screen resolution. I'm running a ThinkPad T30 (2366-92U, for
>>those who want to know), and all the text looks fuzzy. I can literally
>>see horizontal lines pan upwards and watch the text get skewed by them.
>>It's rather disconcerting (not to mention bad for the eyes), and doesn't
>>happen when I boot into Gentoo normally. How do I fix this?
>Xen doesn't do anything to the screen resoution, if you compiled your dom0
>kernel with all needed stuff, it should work just fine.
>Try to use the .config file of your non-xen kernel as default for your xen0
>kernel, or at least check if you have all the framebuffer, vga and console
>options set the same way in your xen0.
>Second cause could be boot parameters, did you make sure all boot parameters
>you have for your non-xen kernel are also applied when booting xen0?
>boot both and compare "cat /proc/cmdline" to make sure.
>>2) X11. So after Xen does its initializing business, it boots up the
>>Gentoo filesystem because I've put root=/dev/hda4 in my grub.conf. When
>>it tries to start gdm, it fails completely. How do I get Xen to support
>What VGA card does your notebook use? do you have use proprietary drivers,
>like the nvidia kernel modules? If so, you'll have to install xen-aware
>versions of those drivers, or switch to open source drivers, like the nv
>driver for X11.
>>As a tangent to this, all of Xen's binaries and such are installed
>>on the Gentoo filesystem, as the installation documentation didn't
>>specify that the files should go anywhere else. Should Xen's files and
>>such have been installed to a completely new root filesystem, or is it
>>ok that Xen and Gentoo share?
>xen0 and normal gentoo sharing one filesystem is perfectly ok.
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