Re: [Xen-users] basic question on how to compile 2.4 xen
On 7/21/05, Ernst Bachmann <e.bachmann@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thursday 21 July 2005 13:39, Shahzad Chohan wrote:
> > Can someone help me figure out a way to compile a 2.4 kernel in a 2.6
> > system. Basically it keeps failing because it needs the genksyms
> > package, which is provided in the modutils package from redhat, but
> > obviously this isn't presetn on the 2.6 kernel.
> Well, genksyms is present on my 2.6 systems, so I'd say redhat is at fault
> here for not providing it any more. (or they did it intentionally to prevent
> ppl from running old 2.4 kernels with their new distros)
> If you install genksyms, does the kernel compile then?
> Does your distro run at all with a 2.4 kernel? depending on how they
> configured their glibc, it might not even start with a 2.4 kernel...
Thanks for the reply.
To be honest I just want the 2.4 xenU. This isn't available from the
unstbale tree by default, so I have to compile it. I've got rhel 4
(similar to fc 3) and redhat haven't provided the genksyms package.
The problem I have if I install the modutils package its going to
overwrite the pakages (e.g lsmod,rmod etc) that are needed for the 2.6
kernel. Is there a way to just retrieve the genksyms package?
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