Re: [Xen-users] basic question on how to compile 2.4 xen
On Thursday 21 July 2005 13:39, Shahzad Chohan wrote:
> Can someone help me figure out a way to compile a 2.4 kernel in a 2.6
> system. Basically it keeps failing because it needs the genksyms
> package, which is provided in the modutils package from redhat, but
> obviously this isn't presetn on the 2.6 kernel.
Well, genksyms is present on my 2.6 systems, so I'd say redhat is at fault
here for not providing it any more. (or they did it intentionally to prevent
ppl from running old 2.4 kernels with their new distros)
If you install genksyms, does the kernel compile then?
Does your distro run at all with a 2.4 kernel? depending on how they
configured their glibc, it might not even start with a 2.4 kernel...
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