Re: [Xen-users] Debian Packages for 2.06
On 7/12/05, Ian Pratt <m+Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'd like to see this continue on xen-users though we could create a new
> list if there's strong demand.
I've got no strong opinions on this, I just wanted to make sure I was
posting in the right place.
> Feel free to create a debian section on wiki.xensource.com
I'll see what I can do...
> I'd really like to see a concerted, organised group effort on debian
> packaging and documentation. It's too much work for one person, but
> there are a number of people on the list who could contribute. Someone
> just need to take the lead and organize everyone else... (hint!)
> It would be *great* to have first-class Xen support for Debian, and
> we're keen to get any changes that are desired incorporate upstream into
> Xen. I'd even like to see the nightly snapshots available as debs.
While I was waiting for somebody to take the lead I quickly created a
page on the wiki
(http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/DebianPackageMaintenance) and
temporarily linked to it from the top of the DebianSarge page (to make
it more obvious). I know that a wiki is not the long-term place to be
actually managing such an effort, but I thought it would be nice if
the people who have volunteered to help in various ways (or are
willing to) could make a quick note on that page so that we could have
some sort of starting point.
I also added your comment about the nightly snapshots to the wish list...
(If anybody has heard more from Adam, please post back to the list - I
did try to contact him, but I suspect it may have looked like spam.)
-Yvette Chanco
Xen-users mailing list