Re: [Xen-users] trouble with TCP?
On Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 04:37:04PM -0700, Nivedita Singhvi wrote:
> The next issue is that your tcp_mem seems to be
> on the disfunctionally low.
Hm. It's the same on xenU and xen0 (but way lower than another machine
I looked at). Both xenU and xen0 have 96M allocated for main memory.
(And, xen0 has no problems with TCP connections to other hosts.)
> Your netstat -s output seems truncated on domU (only had the first 2
> Linux MIB counters). You might have otherwise been able to confirm
> whether you could even open a socket or were hitting memory pressure.
Hm, that is interesting. It's actually not truncated; that's how it
looks. If I do a "telnet localhost 22" (which connects fine) the
"TcpExt" section changes to:
1 packets directly queued to recvmsg prequeue.
1 of bytes directly received from prequeue
1 packet headers predicted
2 acknowledgments not containing data received
3 predicted acknowledgments
0 TCP data loss events
> How did this get so low? Bump that up by a factor of 100
> each (assuming your domain has enough memory allocated, forgot
> to ask).
I bumped it; no luck.
> It used to work fine on unstable about 2 months back. Haven't tested
> the testing tree myself, unfortunately.
How strange. I guess I need to build my very own to see if recent stuff
fixes it. Pretty strange. Thanks for looking at this. I'm quite
Kees Cook @outflux.net
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