RE: [Xen-users] suggestions for most stable config?
> I did this (2.6 -> 2.4) because someone suggested offlist it
> might be more stable, and someone else was told that there
> might still be some performance bottlenecks in the 2.6.10
> code for disk I/O ... which could be interpretted as
> suggesting the 2.4 code is more polished (which considering
> it is a slower moving target would make sense).
2.0-testing has fixes for the 2.6 disk performance issue. We're planning
on rolling out 2.0.6 as soon as we get a chance to investigate a rare
migration issue that's been reported.
> So, this begs the question: Are there guidelines for a "best"
> configuration? We're currently trying to use XEN to
> consolidate machines by elimating some old dedicated purpose
> boxes that probably should be retired anyway. Stability is
> more important than performance, especially if we're going to
> see the physical machine reboot (and I did with the old
> 2.6 config) ... After that we will use XEN to create new
> services, but again, stability is more important than performance.
We use 2.6 in all of our production systems. I'd say that the vast
majority of testing is done on 2.6 thesedays.
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