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Re: [Xen-ia64-devel] Could you tell me howto run xen on ski?

To: Matsumoto <n_matumoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-ia64-devel] Could you tell me howto run xen on ski?
From: Isaku Yamahata <yamahata@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2005 17:34:39 +0900
Cc: xen-ia64-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 06:52:47PM +0900, Matsumoto wrote:

> I am interested in running ski for Xen development.

I have also tried to boot xen on ski.
With following patch, I can load xen, dom0 image and initrd image.
But dom0 panics during its boot procedure for now.

Its usage is as follows.
ski bootloader vmm=<path to xen elf image> image=<path to vmlinux elf image> 
initrd=<path to initrd image> <parameter...>
ski bootloader <vmlinux elf image> <parameter...>

Singed-off-by: Isaku Yamahata <yamahata@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff -ruNp -X linux- 
--- linux-      2005-11-11 
14:33:12.000000000 +0900
+++ linux-   2005-12-05 
16:45:51.000000000 +0900
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ struct task_struct;   /* forward declarati
 #include <asm/system.h>
 #include "ssc.h"
+#include "xen_boot_param.h"
+#define running_on_xen 0
 struct disk_req {
        unsigned long addr;
@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ struct disk_stat {
 extern void jmp_to_kernel (unsigned long bp, unsigned long e_entry);
-extern struct ia64_boot_param *sys_fw_init (const char *args, int arglen);
+extern struct xen_ia64_boot_param *sys_fw_init (const char *args, int arglen, 
__u64 initrd_start, __u64 initrd_size, __u64 domain_start, __u64 domain_size);
 extern void debug_break (void);
 static void
@@ -51,6 +53,77 @@ cons_write (const char *buf)
+static void
+skip_space(char** args, long* arglen) 
+       while (**args == ' ' && **args != '\0' && *arglen > 0) {
+               (*args)++;
+               (*arglen)--;
+       }
+static void
+find_space(char** args, long* arglen)
+       while (**args != ' ' && **args != '\0' && *arglen > 0) {
+               (*args)++;
+               (*arglen)--;
+       }
+set_nul(char** args, long* arglen)
+       if (**args == ' ') {
+               **args = '\0';
+               (*args)++;
+               (*arglen)--;
+       }
+roundup(__u64 n) 
+#define ALIGN_SIZE     (4 * 1024 * 1024)
+       return (n + (ALIGN_SIZE - 1)) & ~(ALIGN_SIZE - 1) ;
+load_file(char* path, __u64 mem)
+#define READ_SIZE      (4 * 1024 * 1024)
+       struct disk_req req;
+       unsigned long off;
+       struct disk_stat stat;
+       int fd = ssc((long)path, 1, 0, 0, SSC_OPEN);
+       if (fd < 0) {
+               cons_write(path);
+               cons_write(": file not found, reboot now\n");
+               for(;;);
+       }
+       off = 0;
+       do {
+               req.len = READ_SIZE;
+               req.addr = mem;
+               ssc(fd, 1, (long) &req, off, SSC_READ);
+               stat.fd = fd;
+               ssc((long) &stat, 0, 0, 0, SSC_WAIT_COMPLETION);
+               off += READ_SIZE;
+               mem += READ_SIZE;
+       } while (stat.count == READ_SIZE);
+       off -= READ_SIZE;
+       off += stat.count;
+       ssc(fd, 0, 0, 0, SSC_CLOSE);
+       return off;
 #define MAX_ARGS 32
@@ -65,9 +138,26 @@ start_bootloader (void)
        struct elfhdr *elf;
        struct elf_phdr *elf_phdr;      /* program header */
        unsigned long e_entry, e_phoff, e_phnum;
-       register struct ia64_boot_param *bp;
+       register struct xen_ia64_boot_param *bp;
        char *kpath, *args;
        long arglen = 0;
+       __u64 max_loaded = 0;
+       char *domain_path = NULL;
+       __u64 domain_start = 0;
+       __u64 domain_size = 0;
+       char *initrd_path = NULL;
+       __u64 initrd_start = 0;
+       __u64 initrd_size = 0;
+       // kpath:               vmlinux or xen
+       // domain_path:         NULL    or dom0 kernel image
+       // domain_start:                0       or image addrss
+       // domain_size          0       or image size
+       // initrd_path:         NULL    or initrd path
+       // initrd_start:        0       or initrd addrsss
+       // initrd_size:         0       or initrd size
        ssc(0, 0, 0, 0, SSC_CONSOLE_INIT);
@@ -85,11 +175,45 @@ start_bootloader (void)
        kpath = "vmlinux";
        args = buffer;
        if (arglen > 0) {
-               kpath = buffer;
-               while (*args != ' ' && *args != '\0')
-                       ++args, --arglen;
-               if (*args == ' ')
-                       *args++ = '\0', --arglen;
+               skip_space(&args, &arglen);
+#define VMM_STR                "vmm="
+#define VMM_STR_LEN    4
+#define IMAGE_STR      "image="
+#define IMAGE_STR_LEN  6
+#define INITRD_STR     "initrd="
+#define INITRD_STR_LEN 7
+               if (arglen > VMM_STR_LEN &&
+                   strncmp(args, VMM_STR, VMM_STR_LEN) == 0) {
+                       args += VMM_STR_LEN;
+                       arglen -= VMM_STR_LEN;
+                       kpath = args;
+                       find_space(&args, &arglen);
+                       set_nul(&args, &arglen);
+                       skip_space(&args, &arglen);
+                       if (arglen > IMAGE_STR_LEN &&
+                           strncmp(args, IMAGE_STR, IMAGE_STR_LEN) == 0) {
+                               args += IMAGE_STR_LEN;
+                               arglen -= IMAGE_STR_LEN;
+                               domain_path = args;
+                               find_space(&args, &arglen);
+                               set_nul(&args, &arglen);
+                       }
+                       skip_space(&args, &arglen);
+                       if (arglen > INITRD_STR_LEN &&
+                           strncmp(args, INITRD_STR, INITRD_STR_LEN) == 0) {
+                               args += INITRD_STR_LEN;
+                               arglen -= INITRD_STR_LEN;
+                               initrd_path = args;
+                               find_space(&args, &arglen);
+                               set_nul(&args, &arglen);
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       kpath = buffer;
+                       find_space(&args, &arglen);
+                       set_nul(&args, &arglen);
+               }
        if (arglen <= 0) {
@@ -156,17 +280,47 @@ start_bootloader (void)
                ssc((long) &stat, 0, 0, 0, SSC_WAIT_COMPLETION);
                memset((char *)__pa(elf_phdr->p_paddr) + elf_phdr->p_filesz, 0,
                       elf_phdr->p_memsz - elf_phdr->p_filesz);
+               if (max_loaded < __pa(elf_phdr->p_paddr) + elf_phdr->p_filesz) {
+                       max_loaded = __pa(elf_phdr->p_paddr) + 
+               }
        ssc(fd, 0, 0, 0, SSC_CLOSE);
+       if (domain_path != NULL) {
+               cons_write("loading ");
+               cons_write(domain_path);
+               cons_write("...\n");
+#define MAX_DOMAIN_IMAGE_SIZE  (64 * 1024 * 1024) //XXX work around
+               max_loaded = roundup(max_loaded + MAX_DOMAIN_IMAGE_SIZE);
+               domain_start = max_loaded;
+               domain_size = load_file(domain_path, domain_start);
+               max_loaded += domain_size;
+       }
+       if (initrd_path != NULL) {
+               cons_write("loading ");
+               cons_write(initrd_path);
+               cons_write("...\n");
+               max_loaded = roundup(max_loaded + MAX_DOMAIN_IMAGE_SIZE);
+               initrd_start = max_loaded;
+               initrd_size = load_file(initrd_path, initrd_start);
+               max_loaded += initrd_size;
+       }
        cons_write("starting kernel...\n");
        /* fake an I/O base address: */
        ia64_setreg(_IA64_REG_AR_KR0, 0xffffc000000UL);
-       bp = sys_fw_init(args, arglen);
+       bp = sys_fw_init(args, arglen,
+                        initrd_start, initrd_size, domain_start, domain_size);
        ssc(0, (long) kpath, 0, 0, SSC_LOAD_SYMBOLS);
+       if (domain_path != NULL) {
+               ssc(0, (long) domain_path, 0, 0, SSC_LOAD_SYMBOLS);
+       }
        jmp_to_kernel((unsigned long) bp, e_entry);
diff -ruNp -X linux- 
--- linux-  2005-12-05 
14:14:59.000000000 +0900
+++ linux-       2005-12-05 
14:47:26.000000000 +0900
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include <asm/sal.h>
 #include "ssc.h"
+#include "xen_boot_param.h"
 #define MB     (1024*1024UL)
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
 # define NUM_MEM_DESCS 16
-static char fw_mem[(  sizeof(struct ia64_boot_param)
+static char fw_mem[(  sizeof(struct xen_ia64_boot_param)
                    + sizeof(efi_system_table_t)
                    + sizeof(efi_runtime_services_t)
                    + 1*sizeof(efi_config_table_t)
@@ -237,8 +238,10 @@ sal_emulator (long index, unsigned long 
        return ((struct sal_ret_values) {status, r9, r10, r11});
-struct ia64_boot_param *
-sys_fw_init (const char *args, int arglen)
+struct xen_ia64_boot_param *
+sys_fw_init (const char *args, int arglen,
+            __u64 initrd_start, __u64 initrd_size,
+            __u64 domain_start, __u64 domain_size)
        efi_system_table_t *efi_systab;
        efi_runtime_services_t *efi_runtime;
@@ -247,7 +250,7 @@ sys_fw_init (const char *args, int argle
        efi_memory_desc_t *efi_memmap, *md;
        unsigned long *pal_desc, *sal_desc;
        struct ia64_sal_desc_entry_point *sal_ed;
-       struct ia64_boot_param *bp;
+       struct xen_ia64_boot_param *bp;
        unsigned char checksum = 0;
        char *cp, *cmd_line;
        int i = 0;
@@ -350,7 +353,7 @@ sys_fw_init (const char *args, int argle
        /* simulate free memory at physical address zero */
        MAKE_MD(EFI_PAL_CODE,                   EFI_MEMORY_WB,    1*MB,    
        MAKE_MD( 4,                0x9, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000001000);
@@ -382,6 +385,10 @@ sys_fw_init (const char *args, int argle
        bp->console_info.orig_x = 0;
        bp->console_info.orig_y = 24;
        bp->fpswa = 0;
+       bp->initrd_start = initrd_start;
+       bp->initrd_size = initrd_size;
+       bp->domain_start = domain_start;
+       bp->domain_size = domain_size;
        return bp;
diff -ruNp -X linux- 
--- linux-  1970-01-01 
09:00:00.000000000 +0900
+++ linux-       2005-12-05 
14:45:59.000000000 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// this is ia64_boot_param from xen/include/asm-ia64/linux-xen/asm/system.h
+extern struct xen_ia64_boot_param {
+       __u64 command_line;             /* physical address of command line 
arguments */
+       __u64 efi_systab;               /* physical address of EFI system table 
+       __u64 efi_memmap;               /* physical address of EFI memory map */
+       __u64 efi_memmap_size;          /* size of EFI memory map */
+       __u64 efi_memdesc_size;         /* size of an EFI memory map descriptor 
+       __u32 efi_memdesc_version;      /* memory descriptor version */
+       struct {
+               __u16 num_cols; /* number of columns on console output device */
+               __u16 num_rows; /* number of rows on console output device */
+               __u16 orig_x;   /* cursor's x position */
+               __u16 orig_y;   /* cursor's y position */
+       } console_info;
+       __u64 fpswa;            /* physical address of the fpswa interface */
+       __u64 initrd_start;
+       __u64 initrd_size;
+       __u64 domain_start;     /* virtual address where the boot time v
+mcode begins */
+       __u64 domain_size;      /* how big is the boot module */
+} *xen_ia64_boot_param;
+#endif // XEN_BOOT_PARAM_H


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