(XEN) mm.c:907:d0 Error getting mfn 3a09c (pfn 55555555) from L1 entry 000000003a09c023 for l1e_owner=0, pg_owner=0
(XEN) mm.c:907:d0 Error getting mfn 3a09d (pfn 55555555) from L1 entry 000000003a09d023 for l1e_owner=0, pg_owner=0
(XEN) mm.c:907:d0 Error getting mfn 3a09e (pfn 55555555) from L1 entry 000000003a09e023 for l1e_owner=0, pg_owner=0
(XEN) mm.c:907:d0 Error getting mfn 3a09f (pfn 55555555) from L1 entry 000000003a09f023 for l1e_owner=0, pg_owner=0
(XEN) traps.c:2388:d0 Domain attempted WRMSR c0010004 from 0x0000ab23d6d622da to 0x000000000000abcd.
Do they show up during bootup? As in do you see those _when_ you launch your guests?
To figure out this particular issue you should try using 'console_to_ring' (so that
dom0 output and Xen output are mingled togehter) and also post this under a new subject
to not confuse this email thread.