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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 5 of 8] libxl: autogenerate _libxl_types.h

On Tue, 2010-08-03 at 13:29 +0100, Ian Campbell wrote:
> > I like the idea of the patch, I think the libxl bits should be in a
> > separate python module though or perhaps the gentypes.py.
> I agree, and said as much in my intro mail ;-) 

FWIW this is roughly what the patch to do this would look like (appends
to the series, should really be folded back)


libxl: separate type definitions into a separate file.

Keeps the type definitions separate from the scaffolding.

Signed-off-by: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r ba6f06badc87 -r 669a2933c9ab tools/libxl/Makefile
--- a/tools/libxl/Makefile      Tue Aug 03 13:22:30 2010 +0100
+++ b/tools/libxl/Makefile      Tue Aug 03 14:27:57 2010 +0100
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ libxl_paths.c: _libxl_paths.h
 libxl.h: _libxl_types.h
-_libxl_types.h _libxl_types.c: gentypes.py libxltypes.py
-       python gentypes.py __libxl_types.h __libxl_types.c
+_libxl_types.h _libxl_types.c: libxltypes.idl gentypes.py libxltypes.py
+       python gentypes.py libxltypes.idl __libxl_types.h __libxl_types.c
        mv __libxl_types.h _libxl_types.h
        mv __libxl_types.c _libxl_types.c
diff -r ba6f06badc87 -r 669a2933c9ab tools/libxl/gentypes.py
--- a/tools/libxl/gentypes.py   Tue Aug 03 13:22:30 2010 +0100
+++ b/tools/libxl/gentypes.py   Tue Aug 03 14:27:57 2010 +0100
@@ -92,11 +92,14 @@ def libxl_C_type_destroy(ty, v, indent =
     return s.replace("\n", "\n%s" % indent)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
-        print >>sys.stderr, "Usage: gentypes.py <header> <implementation>"
+    if len(sys.argv) < 4:
+        print >>sys.stderr, "Usage: gentypes.py <idl> <header> 
-    header = sys.argv[1]
+    idl = sys.argv[1]
+    (_,types) = libxltypes.parse(idl)
+    header = sys.argv[2]
     print "outputting libxl type definitions to %s" % header
     f = open(header, "w")
@@ -104,7 +107,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     f.write("""#ifndef __LIBXL_TYPES_H
 #define __LIBXL_TYPES_H
  * This file is autogenerated by
  * "%s"
@@ -112,7 +116,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
 """ % " ".join(sys.argv))
-    for ty in libxltypes.Types:
+    for ty in types:
         f.write(libxl_C_type_define(ty) + ";\n")
         if ty.has_destructor:
             f.write("void %s(%s *p);\n" % (ty.destructor, ty.typename))
@@ -121,7 +125,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     f.write("""#endif /* __LIBXL_TYPES_H */\n""")
-    impl = sys.argv[2]
+    impl = sys.argv[3]
     print "outputting libxl type implementations to %s" % impl
     f = open(impl, "w")
@@ -146,7 +150,7 @@ static void __string_string_free(char **
 """ % " ".join(sys.argv))
-    for ty in [ty for ty in libxltypes.Types if ty.generated_destructor]:
+    for ty in [ty for ty in types if ty.generated_destructor]:
         f.write("void %s(%s *p)\n" % (ty.destructor, ty.typename))
         f.write(libxl_C_type_destroy(ty, "p->"))
diff -r ba6f06badc87 -r 669a2933c9ab tools/libxl/libxltypes.idl
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/libxl/libxltypes.idl        Tue Aug 03 14:27:57 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+#  -*- mode: python; -*-
+# Builtin libxl types
+libxl_ctx = Builtin("ctx")
+libxl_uuid = Builtin("uuid")
+libxl_mac = Builtin("mac")
+libxl_qemu_machine_type = Builtin("qemu_machine_type")
+libxl_console_constype = Builtin("console_constype")
+libxl_disk_phystype = Builtin("disk_phystype")
+libxl_nic_type = Builtin("nic_type")
+# Complex libxl types
+libxl_dominfo = Struct("dominfo",[
+    ("uuid",        libxl_uuid),
+    ("domid",       domid),
+    ("running",     BitField(uint8, 1)),
+    ("blocked",     BitField(uint8, 1)),
+    ("paused",      BitField(uint8, 1)),
+    ("shutdown",    BitField(uint8, 1)),
+    ("dying",       BitField(uint8, 1)),
+    ("shutdown_reason", unsigned, False, 
+"""Valid SHUTDOWN_* value from xen/sched.h iff (shutdown||dying).
+Otherwise set to a value guaranteed not to clash with any valid
+SHUTDOWN_* constant."""),
+    ("max_memkb",   uint64),
+    ("cpu_time",    uint64),
+    ("vcpu_max_id", uint32),
+    ("vcpu_online", uint32),
+    ])
+libxl_poolinfo = Struct("poolinfo", [
+    ("poolid", uint32)
+    ])
+libxl_vminfo = Struct("vminfo", [
+    ("uuid", libxl_uuid),
+    ("domid", domid),
+    ])
+libxl_version_info = Struct("version_info", [
+    ("xen_version_major", integer),
+    ("xen_version_minor", integer),
+    ("xen_version_extra", string),
+    ("compiler",          string),
+    ("compile_by",        string),
+    ("compile_domain",    string),
+    ("compile_date",      string),
+    ("capabilities",      string),
+    ("changeset",         string),
+    ("virt_start",        unsigned_long),
+    ("pagesize",          unsigned_long),
+    ("commandline",       string),
+    ])
+libxl_file_reference = Struct("file_reference",[
+    ("path", string, False,
+"""Path is always set if the file refernece is valid. However if
+mapped is true then the actual file may already be unlinked."""),
+    ("mapped", integer),
+    ("data", void),
+    ("size", size_t)])
+libxl_domain_create_info = Struct("domain_create_info",[
+    ("hvm",          bool),
+    ("hap",          bool),
+    ("oos",          bool),
+    ("ssidref",      integer),
+    ("name",         string),
+    ("uuid",         libxl_uuid),
+    ("xsdata",       KeyValueList(string, string)),
+    ("platformdata", KeyValueList(string, string)),
+    ("poolid",       uint32),
+    ("poolname",     string, True),
+    ])
+libxl_domain_build_info = Struct("domain_build_info",[
+    ("max_vcpus",       integer),
+    ("cur_vcpus",       integer),
+    ("tsc_mode",        integer),
+    ("max_memkb",       uint32),
+    ("target_memkb",    uint32),
+    ("video_memkb",     uint32),
+    ("shadow_memkb",    uint32),
+    ("disable_migrate", bool),
+    ("kernel",          libxl_file_reference),
+    ("hvm",             integer),
+    ("u", KeyedUnion(None, "hvm",
+                [("hvm", "%s", Struct(None,
+                                       [("pae", bool),
+                                        ("apic", bool),
+                                        ("acpi", bool),
+                                        ("nx", bool),
+                                        ("viridian", bool),
+                                        ("timeoffset", string),
+                                        ("hpet", bool),
+                                        ("vpt_align", bool),
+                                        ("timer_mode", integer),
+                                        ])),
+                 ("pv", "!%s", Struct(None,
+                                       [("slack_memkb", uint32),
+                                        ("bootloader", string, True),
+                                        ("bootloader_args", string, True),
+                                        ("cmdline", string),
+                                        ("ramdisk", libxl_file_reference),
+                                        ("features", string, True),
+                                        ])),
+                 ])),
+    ],
+    comment =
+"""Instances of libxl_file_reference contained in this struct which
+have been mapped (with libxl_file_reference_map) will be unmapped
+by libxl_domain_build/restore. If either of these are never called
+then the user is responsible for calling
+libxl_domain_build_state = Struct("domain_build_state",[
+    ("store_port",   uint32),
+    ("store_mfn",    unsigned_long),
+    ("console_port", uint32),
+    ("console_mfn",  unsigned_long),
+    ])
+libxl_device_model_info = Struct("device_model_info",[
+    ("domid",            integer),
+    ("uuid",             libxl_uuid,  False, "this is use only with stubdom, 
and must be different from the domain uuid"),
+    ("dom_name",         string),
+    ("device_model",     string),
+    ("saved_state",      string),
+    ("type",             libxl_qemu_machine_type),
+    ("videoram",         integer,     False, "size of the videoram in MB"),
+    ("stdvga",           bool,        False, "stdvga enabled or disabled"),
+    ("vnc",              bool,        False, "vnc enabled or disabled"),
+    ("vnclisten",        string,      False, "address:port that should be 
listened on for the VNC server if vnc is set"),
+    ("vncpasswd",        string,      False, "the VNC password"),
+    ("vncdisplay",       integer,     False, "set VNC display number"),
+    ("vncunused",        bool,        False, "try to find an unused port for 
the VNC server"),
+    ("keymap",           string,      False, "set keyboard layout, default is 
en-us keyboard"),
+    ("sdl",              bool,        False, "sdl enabled or disabled"),
+    ("opengl",           bool,        False, "opengl enabled or disabled (if 
enabled requires sdl enabled)"),
+    ("nographic",        bool,        False, "no graphics, use serial port"),
+    ("serial",           string,      False, "serial port re-direct to pty 
+    ("boot",             string,      False, "boot order, for example dca"),
+    ("usb",              bool,        False, "usb support enabled or 
+    ("usbdevice",        string,      False, "enable usb mouse: tablet for 
absolute mouse, mouse for PS/2 protocol relative mouse"),
+    ("soundhw",          string,      False, "enable sound hardware"),
+    ("apic",             bool,        False, "apic enabled or disabled"),
+    ("vcpus",             integer,    False, "max number of vcpus"),
+    ("vcpu_avail",       integer,     False, "vcpus actually available"),
+    ("xen_platform_pci", integer,     False, "enable/disable the xen platform 
pci device"),
+    ("extra",            string_list, False, "extra parameters pass directly 
to qemu, NULL terminated"),
+    ],
+    comment=
+"""Device Model information.
+Network is missing""")
+libxl_device_vfb = Struct("device_vfb", [
+    ("backend_domid", uint32),
+    ("domid",         uint32),
+    ("devid",         integer),
+    ("vnc",           bool,     False, "vnc enabled or disabled"),
+    ("vnclisten",     string,   False, "address:port that should be listened 
on for the VNC server if vnc is set"),
+    ("vncpasswd",     string,   False, "the VNC password"),
+    ("vncdisplay",    integer,  False, "set VNC display number"),
+    ("vncunused",     bool,     False, "try to find an unused port for the VNC 
+    ("keymap",        string,   False, "set keyboard layout, default is en-us 
+    ("sdl",           bool,     False, "sdl enabled or disabled"),
+    ("opengl",        bool,     False, "opengl enabled or disabled (if enabled 
requires sdl enabled)"),
+    ("display",       string),
+    ("xauthority",    string),
+    ])
+libxl_device_vkb = Struct("device_vkb", [
+    ("backend_domid", uint32),
+    ("domid", domid),
+    ("devid", integer),
+    ])
+libxl_device_console = Struct("device_console", [
+    ("backend_domid", uint32),
+    ("domid", domid),
+    ("devid", integer),
+    ("constype", libxl_console_constype),
+    ("build_state", Reference(libxl_domain_build_state)),
+    ])
+libxl_device_disk = Struct("device_disk", [
+    ("backend_domid", uint32),
+    ("domid", domid),
+    ("physpath", string),
+    ("phystype", libxl_disk_phystype),
+    ("virtpath", string),
+    ("unpluggable", integer),
+    ("readwrite", integer),
+    ("is_cdrom", integer),
+    ])
+libxl_device_nic = Struct("device_nic", [
+    ("backend_domid", uint32),
+    ("domid", domid),
+    ("devid", integer),
+    ("mtu", integer),
+    ("model", string),
+    ("mac", libxl_mac),
+    ("ip", inaddr_ip),
+    ("bridge", string),
+    ("ifname", string),
+    ("script", string),
+    ("nictype", libxl_nic_type),
+    ])
+libxl_device_net2 = Struct("device_net2", [
+    ("devid", integer),
+    ("front_mac", libxl_mac),
+    ("back_mac", libxl_mac),
+    ("backend_domid", uint32),
+    ("domid", domid),
+    ("trusted", BitField(uint32, 1)),
+    ("back_trusted", BitField(uint32, 1)),
+    ("filter_mac", BitField(uint32, 1)),
+    ("front_filter_mac", BitField(uint32, 1)),
+    ("pdev", uint32),
+    ("max_bypasses", uint32),
+    ("bridge", string),
+    ])
+libxl_device_pci = Struct("device_pci", [
+    (None, Union(None, [("value", unsigned_integer),
+                        (None, Struct(None,[("reserved1", 
BitField(unsigned_integer, 2)),
+                                            ("reg",       
BitField(unsigned_integer, 6)),
+                                            ("func",      
BitField(unsigned_integer, 3)),
+                                            ("dev",       
BitField(unsigned_integer, 5)),
+                                            ("bus",       
BitField(unsigned_integer, 8)),
+                                            ("reserved2", 
BitField(unsigned_integer, 7)),
+                                            ("enable",    
BitField(unsigned_integer, 1)),
+                                             ])),
+                        ])
+     ),
+    ("domain", unsigned_integer),
+    ("vdevfn", unsigned_integer),
+    ("msitranslate", bool),
+    ("power_mgmt", bool),
+    ])
diff -r ba6f06badc87 -r 669a2933c9ab tools/libxl/libxltypes.py
--- a/tools/libxl/libxltypes.py Tue Aug 03 13:22:30 2010 +0100
+++ b/tools/libxl/libxltypes.py Tue Aug 03 14:27:57 2010 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ class Type(object):
+import sys
 class Type(object):
     def __init__(self, typename, **kwargs):
         self.comment = None        
@@ -155,270 +157,25 @@ string_list = Builtin("char **", namespa
 inaddr_ip = Builtin("struct in_addr", namespace = None)
-# Builtin libxl types
-libxl_ctx = Builtin("ctx")
-libxl_uuid = Builtin("uuid")
-libxl_mac = Builtin("mac")
-libxl_qemu_machine_type = Builtin("qemu_machine_type")
-libxl_console_constype = Builtin("console_constype")
-libxl_disk_phystype = Builtin("disk_phystype")
-libxl_nic_type = Builtin("nic_type")
-# Complex libxl types
-libxl_dominfo = Struct("dominfo",[
-    ("uuid",        libxl_uuid),
-    ("domid",       domid),
-    ("running",     BitField(uint8, 1)),
-    ("blocked",     BitField(uint8, 1)),
-    ("paused",      BitField(uint8, 1)),
-    ("shutdown",    BitField(uint8, 1)),
-    ("dying",       BitField(uint8, 1)),
+def parse(f):
+    print >>sys.stderr, "Parsing %s" % f
-    ("shutdown_reason", unsigned, False, 
-"""Valid SHUTDOWN_* value from xen/sched.h iff (shutdown||dying).
-Otherwise set to a value guaranteed not to clash with any valid
-SHUTDOWN_* constant."""),
-    ("max_memkb",   uint64),
-    ("cpu_time",    uint64),
-    ("vcpu_max_id", uint32),
-    ("vcpu_online", uint32),
-    ])
-libxl_poolinfo = Struct("poolinfo", [
-    ("poolid", uint32)
-    ])
-libxl_vminfo = Struct("vminfo", [
-    ("uuid", libxl_uuid),
-    ("domid", domid),
-    ])
-libxl_version_info = Struct("version_info", [
-    ("xen_version_major", integer),
-    ("xen_version_minor", integer),
-    ("xen_version_extra", string),
-    ("compiler",          string),
-    ("compile_by",        string),
-    ("compile_domain",    string),
-    ("compile_date",      string),
-    ("capabilities",      string),
-    ("changeset",         string),
-    ("virt_start",        unsigned_long),
-    ("pagesize",          unsigned_long),
-    ("commandline",       string),
-    ])
-libxl_file_reference = Struct("file_reference",[
-    ("path", string, False,
-"""Path is always set if the file refernece is valid. However if
-mapped is true then the actual file may already be unlinked."""),
-    ("mapped", integer),
-    ("data", void),
-    ("size", size_t)])
-libxl_domain_create_info = Struct("domain_create_info",[
-    ("hvm",          bool),
-    ("hap",          bool),
-    ("oos",          bool),
-    ("ssidref",      integer),
-    ("name",         string),
-    ("uuid",         libxl_uuid),
-    ("xsdata",       KeyValueList(string, string)),
-    ("platformdata", KeyValueList(string, string)),
-    ("poolid",       uint32),
-    ("poolname",     string, True),
-    ])
-libxl_domain_build_info = Struct("domain_build_info",[
-    ("max_vcpus",       integer),
-    ("cur_vcpus",       integer),
-    ("tsc_mode",        integer),
-    ("max_memkb",       uint32),
-    ("target_memkb",    uint32),
-    ("video_memkb",     uint32),
-    ("shadow_memkb",    uint32),
-    ("disable_migrate", bool),
-    ("kernel",          libxl_file_reference),
-    ("hvm",             integer),
-    ("u", KeyedUnion(None, "hvm",
-                [("hvm", "%s", Struct(None,
-                                       [("pae", bool),
-                                        ("apic", bool),
-                                        ("acpi", bool),
-                                        ("nx", bool),
-                                        ("viridian", bool),
-                                        ("timeoffset", string),
-                                        ("hpet", bool),
-                                        ("vpt_align", bool),
-                                        ("timer_mode", integer),
-                                        ])),
-                 ("pv", "!%s", Struct(None,
-                                       [("slack_memkb", uint32),
-                                        ("bootloader", string, True),
-                                        ("bootloader_args", string, True),
-                                        ("cmdline", string),
-                                        ("ramdisk", libxl_file_reference),
-                                        ("features", string, True),
-                                        ])),
-                 ])),
-    ],
-    comment =
-"""Instances of libxl_file_reference contained in this struct which
-have been mapped (with libxl_file_reference_map) will be unmapped
-by libxl_domain_build/restore. If either of these are never called
-then the user is responsible for calling
-libxl_domain_build_state = Struct("domain_build_state",[
-    ("store_port",   uint32),
-    ("store_mfn",    unsigned_long),
-    ("console_port", uint32),
-    ("console_mfn",  unsigned_long),
-    ])
-libxl_device_model_info = Struct("device_model_info",[
-    ("domid",            integer),
-    ("uuid",             libxl_uuid,  False, "this is use only with stubdom, 
and must be different from the domain uuid"),
-    ("dom_name",         string),
-    ("device_model",     string),
-    ("saved_state",      string),
-    ("type",             libxl_qemu_machine_type),
-    ("videoram",         integer,     False, "size of the videoram in MB"),
-    ("stdvga",           bool,        False, "stdvga enabled or disabled"),
-    ("vnc",              bool,        False, "vnc enabled or disabled"),
-    ("vnclisten",        string,      False, "address:port that should be 
listened on for the VNC server if vnc is set"),
-    ("vncpasswd",        string,      False, "the VNC password"),
-    ("vncdisplay",       integer,     False, "set VNC display number"),
-    ("vncunused",        bool,        False, "try to find an unused port for 
the VNC server"),
-    ("keymap",           string,      False, "set keyboard layout, default is 
en-us keyboard"),
-    ("sdl",              bool,        False, "sdl enabled or disabled"),
-    ("opengl",           bool,        False, "opengl enabled or disabled (if 
enabled requires sdl enabled)"),
-    ("nographic",        bool,        False, "no graphics, use serial port"),
-    ("serial",           string,      False, "serial port re-direct to pty 
-    ("boot",             string,      False, "boot order, for example dca"),
-    ("usb",              bool,        False, "usb support enabled or 
-    ("usbdevice",        string,      False, "enable usb mouse: tablet for 
absolute mouse, mouse for PS/2 protocol relative mouse"),
-    ("soundhw",          string,      False, "enable sound hardware"),
-    ("apic",             bool,        False, "apic enabled or disabled"),
-    ("vcpus",             integer,    False, "max number of vcpus"),
-    ("vcpu_avail",       integer,     False, "vcpus actually available"),
-    ("xen_platform_pci", integer,     False, "enable/disable the xen platform 
pci device"),
-    ("extra",            string_list, False, "extra parameters pass directly 
to qemu, NULL terminated"),
-    ],
-    comment=
-"""Device Model information.
-Network is missing""")
-libxl_device_vfb = Struct("device_vfb", [
-    ("backend_domid", uint32),
-    ("domid",         uint32),
-    ("devid",         integer),
-    ("vnc",           bool,     False, "vnc enabled or disabled"),
-    ("vnclisten",     string,   False, "address:port that should be listened 
on for the VNC server if vnc is set"),
-    ("vncpasswd",     string,   False, "the VNC password"),
-    ("vncdisplay",    integer,  False, "set VNC display number"),
-    ("vncunused",     bool,     False, "try to find an unused port for the VNC 
-    ("keymap",        string,   False, "set keyboard layout, default is en-us 
-    ("sdl",           bool,     False, "sdl enabled or disabled"),
-    ("opengl",        bool,     False, "opengl enabled or disabled (if enabled 
requires sdl enabled)"),
-    ("display",       string),
-    ("xauthority",    string),
-    ])
-libxl_device_vkb = Struct("device_vkb", [
-    ("backend_domid", uint32),
-    ("domid", domid),
-    ("devid", integer),
-    ])
-libxl_device_console = Struct("device_console", [
-    ("backend_domid", uint32),
-    ("domid", domid),
-    ("devid", integer),
-    ("constype", libxl_console_constype),
-    ("build_state", Reference(libxl_domain_build_state)),
-    ])
-libxl_device_disk = Struct("device_disk", [
-    ("backend_domid", uint32),
-    ("domid", domid),
-    ("physpath", string),
-    ("phystype", libxl_disk_phystype),
-    ("virtpath", string),
-    ("unpluggable", integer),
-    ("readwrite", integer),
-    ("is_cdrom", integer),
-    ])
-libxl_device_nic = Struct("device_nic", [
-    ("backend_domid", uint32),
-    ("domid", domid),
-    ("devid", integer),
-    ("mtu", integer),
-    ("model", string),
-    ("mac", libxl_mac),
-    ("ip", inaddr_ip),
-    ("bridge", string),
-    ("ifname", string),
-    ("script", string),
-    ("nictype", libxl_nic_type),
-    ])
-libxl_device_net2 = Struct("device_net2", [
-    ("devid", integer),
-    ("front_mac", libxl_mac),
-    ("back_mac", libxl_mac),
-    ("backend_domid", uint32),
-    ("domid", domid),
-    ("trusted", BitField(uint32, 1)),
-    ("back_trusted", BitField(uint32, 1)),
-    ("filter_mac", BitField(uint32, 1)),
-    ("front_filter_mac", BitField(uint32, 1)),
-    ("pdev", uint32),
-    ("max_bypasses", uint32),
-    ("bridge", string),
-    ])
-libxl_device_pci = Struct("device_pci", [
-    (None, Union(None, [("value", unsigned_integer),
-                        (None, Struct(None,[("reserved1", 
BitField(unsigned_integer, 2)),
-                                            ("reg",       
BitField(unsigned_integer, 6)),
-                                            ("func",      
BitField(unsigned_integer, 3)),
-                                            ("dev",       
BitField(unsigned_integer, 5)),
-                                            ("bus",       
BitField(unsigned_integer, 8)),
-                                            ("reserved2", 
BitField(unsigned_integer, 7)),
-                                            ("enable",    
BitField(unsigned_integer, 1)),
-                                             ])),
-                        ])
-     ),
-    ("domain", unsigned_integer),
-    ("vdevfn", unsigned_integer),
-    ("msitranslate", bool),
-    ("power_mgmt", bool),
-    ])
-Types = [
-    libxl_dominfo,
-    libxl_poolinfo,
-    libxl_vminfo,
-    libxl_version_info,
-    libxl_domain_create_info,
-    libxl_file_reference,
-    libxl_domain_build_info,
-    libxl_domain_build_state,
-    libxl_device_model_info,
-    libxl_device_vfb,
-    libxl_device_vkb,
-    libxl_device_console,
-    libxl_device_disk,
-    libxl_device_nic,
-    libxl_device_net2,
-    libxl_device_pci,
+    globs = {}
+    locs = {}
+    for n,t in globals().items():
+        if isinstance(t, Type):
+            globs[n] = t
+        elif isinstance(t,type(object)) and issubclass(t, Type):
+            globs[n] = t
+    try:
+        execfile(f, globs, locs)
+    except SyntaxError,e:
+        raise SyntaxError, \
+              "Errors were found at line %d while processing %s:\n\t%s"\
+              %(e.lineno,defconfig,e.text)
+    types = [t for n,t in locs.items() if isinstance(t,Type)]
+    builtins = [t for t in types if isinstance(t,Builtin)]
+    types = [t for t in types if not isinstance(t,Builtin)]
+    return (builtins,types)

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