[Xen-devel] Re: [RFC] [PATCH 0/2] Some clean-up to MCA handling
On Monday 19 April 2010 10:58:44 Jiang, Yunhong wrote:
> These two patches includes some clean-up/changes to MCA handling.
> The mce_extended.patch change the method to get the extended MCA
> information. This change is somwhat straightforward and is easy to
> understand. But please notice it changes some interface in
> include/public/arch-x86/xen-mca.h.
This breaks backward-compatibility. You can't change the API/ABI just for the
sake of "easier" internal handling.
Please explain:
- what exactly is wrong with the interface as it is in upstream ?
- what *requries* an API/ABI change ?
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