[Xen-devel] Re: writing PV block drivers for Windows
James Smart wrote:
> James Harper wrote:
>> I can understand the situation with the samples, so I've been careful
>> not to use them in any way which could mean that my drivers could be
>> considered a 'derived work'.
> Then pay very close attention to paragraph (c) in section 3, because if you
> then get WQHL certification on the driver, and such certification is a
> mandated in many situations for sales and support, then it doesn't matter
> where the source came from.
> http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/ddk/ServerSP1DDKEULA.mspx
Not getting a driver WHQL-certified may not matter to a lot of people.
BTW in the Vista WDK build 6000 the license appears to be substantially
shorter than the link above, and makes no mention of WHQL.
See also this thread: http://www.osronline.com/ShowThread.cfm?link=101027
It also seems to agree that if you stay away from the samples, you're OK.
James (Harper), is what you have so far available somewhere?
-- Andy
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