[Xen-devel] Re: writing PV block drivers for Windows
James Harper wrote:
> 3. Would the xen list admins consider a new mailing list for a gpl'd
> windows pv driver development? Would you consider providing a place to
> host it under the source control you use (I forget which one :)? Failing
> that I'll just put it up on SourceForge.
and http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/ddk/ServerSP1DDKEULA.mspx
It seems they're explicitly trying to disallow people from writing GPLed
Windows drivers. (see section 3b, the "Excluded License" sure sounds
like the GPL.) IANAL, but for a truly GPL-able driver, you need to avoid
using the WDK (samples, build env) entirely. The WDK docs are available
through MSDN website, however. Given the existence of projects like
Wine, I'm sure it's possible, but just not nearly as easy as using the WDK.
If I'm wrong, somebody please speak up...
Regards -- Andy
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