RE: [Xen-devel] xc_vcpu_setcontext problem with translated shadow pageta
> I'm working on save/restore for (non hvm) domains with the
> auto_translated_physmap feature enabled. I've based my code roughly
> off of a patch to provide save/restore support for HVM domains, but
> I'm running into problems when I try to restore a domain.
> My call to xc_vcpu_setcontext() is failing during restoration -- is
> there anything unusual about context structs for these types of
> domains?
> In my save function I write to disk the value returned from
> xc_vcpu_getcontext(), which I then read back in during my restore
> function and pass to xc_vcpu_setcontext(). Can someone think of a
> reason why this would fail?
Are you getting the restore domain into the right shadow pagetable mode?
Otherwise things like the pagetable base will be invalid (you don't need
to canonical-ize it on save as its already in gpfn form).
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