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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] Integrating applications into Mini-OS

To: "Puthiyaparambil, Aravindh" <aravindh.puthiyaparambil@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] Integrating applications into Mini-OS
From: "Jacob Gorm Hansen" <jacobg@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 16:12:51 +0200
Cc: "John D. Ramsdell" <ramsdell@xxxxxxxxx>, xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Grzegorz Milos <gm281@xxxxxxxxx>, Ian Campbell <Ian.Campbell@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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On 5/15/06, Puthiyaparambil, Aravindh
<aravindh.puthiyaparambil@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This seems like a really good idea. I have been meaning to fix
VIRT_START. I see your patch shows
-#define VIRT_START              0xFFFFFFFF00000000UL
I remember changing this to 0xFFFFFFFF80000000UL. Are you diffing
against the latest changeset? Could you please check if this works on
x86_64 too?
Hmm no I was on xen-3.0-testing.hg, sorry. Also, I do not have access
to other than vanilla x86 machines :-( However, looking at the linker
script for x86_64 I cannot see why this would not work.

I have attached the patch updated for unstable. This time I also pass
the copied start_info as a parameter to main(), though the dummy
main() ignores it.


Attachment: miniosappsupport-unstable
Description: Binary data

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