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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] Integrating applications into Mini-OS

To: "John D. Ramsdell" <ramsdell@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] Integrating applications into Mini-OS
From: "Jacob Gorm Hansen" <jacobg@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 14:18:54 +0200
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On 11 May 2006 12:34:49 -0400, John D. Ramsdell <ramsdell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'd like to make it so that there is no need to modify any Mini-OS
source files when extending it with an application.  All that is
required is a change to Makefile, and a small change to kernel.c,
printf.c, and string.c.  I have enclosed the patch.

With this patch, one could write an application in a file called, say,
app.c, and add it to the Mini-OS directory along with newlib.c and
setjmp_x86_32.S, the two files I use to adapt newlib to the Mini-OS
environment.  One would compile and link it with newlib, with the

I think it would be more elegant to link the mini-os C files as a
'libminios.a' lib, and then you can replace main() with your own by
linking libminios.a from a separate Makefile somewhere else in you

I have attached a small patch to mini-os which changes the mini-os
Makefile and adds a dummy main function which you can override by
linking with your own main() first, as in:

OBJS := mymain.o

myapp: $(OBJS)
   $(LD) -N -T myapp.lds ../mini-os/x86_32.o $(OBJS) -o myapp.elf
-lminios -L../mini-os


Attachment: miniosappsupport
Description: Binary data

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