Re: [Xen-devel] bug # 477
On 30 Mar 2006, at 09:57, Keir Fraser wrote:
I bet this behaviour is due to two problems.
1. The daemon is probably looking for console data before it clears
the event fd. So if no data available then the fd doesn't get cleared
and the select() doesn't block next time round.
2. I think we still have a stupid scheduler default for domain0 where
it gets all the CPU it wants and can starve out domUs. So once
xenconsoled starts spinning, that's it for you if the domain it's
spinning on is supposed to run on the same CPU.
I'll look at fixing both of these.
Actually the first issue was a bit different to what I describe above,
but it's now fixed in changeset 9475.
The second issue is a bug in the SEDF scheduler I think. It's supposed
to be guaranteed 75% of the CPU, plus share the remaining 25% with
other domains in a 'fair' way. But it seems that domains that are given
a real-time guarantee plus extratime basically get strict preference
when allocating extratime. I haven't looked at fixing this -- it would
be great is someone else wants to take a look.
-- Keir
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