[Xen-devel] Re: [XenPPC] Re: IRQs delivery.
Le Samedi 11 Mars 2006 03:27, Jimi Xenidis a écrit :
> > I'm just mentioning this in case the IA64 guys have something like
> > mediated interrupts as an option, they might want to go with that for
> > the fairness/latency reasons.
> Does IA64 indeed have MEI like abilities or the ability to route the
> interrupt?
Well, I am a little bit lost with these ppc features.
Currently on ia64, interrupts are caught by Xen and then injected into dom0.
I don't see any fairness or latency problems [except when we are dealing with
event channel].
On ia64, there are two PIC: one on each processor (LSAPIC ~= LAPIC) and one
(or several) for IO (IOSAPIC ~= IO_APIC).
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