RE: [Xen-devel] Daily Xen-HVM Builds: cs8990
"Shi, Alex" <alex.shi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote on 02/28/2006 02:06:57 AM:
> > Hardware: x460
> >
> > *** x86_32(no PAE): ***
> >
> > * dom0: SLES9 SP2
> > * dom0 boots fine
> > * xend starts without problem
> >
> >
> > * cannot start an HVM domain at all. xend just hangs while trying to
> > boot domain.
> Would you like to try other dom0 system. like redhat or
> mandrake Linux OS. Maybe it works.
> > * Cannot attach to cosole therefore xm-test reports I/O problem.
> > * I'm looking into a possible Environment setup problem.
We think that this may very well be a setup problem on this particular
test system, since we are able to start HVM domains manually and other
people on our test team have been able to run xm-test successfully
on other systems. As indicated above, we are actively looking into
this possible environment setup problem. Thanks.
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