xend in turn doesn't read from the pipe but is waiting for some lock:
master-xen root /vm/ttylinux# strace -p6567
Process 6567 attached - interrupt to quit
futex(0x8087370, FUTEX_WAIT, 0, NULL <unfinished ...>
Process 6567 detached
Oh, xend is multithreaded:
master-xen root /vm/ttylinux# ls /proc/6567/task
. .. 6567 6568 6569 6570 6571 6581 7977
7977 seems to be responsible for the xc_save and does this:
master-xen root /vm/ttylinux# strace -p7977
Process 7977 attached - interrupt to quit
read(20, <unfinished ...>
Process 7977 detached
fd 20 is the other end of the *stdout* pipe, whereas xc_save writes
stuff to *stderr*. Hmm. Maybe xend causes the deadlock by simply
reading from the wrong file handle?
Some of the other threads behave in a strange way as well:
master-xen root /vm/ttylinux# strace -p6568
Process 6568 attached - interrupt to quit
select(4, [3], [], [], {0, 960000}) = 0 (Timeout)
futex(0x80e53b8, FUTEX_WAKE, 1) = 0
accept(3, 0x408193f8, [110]) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource
temporarily unavailable)
There is no point in calling accept(3) unless select() flags file handle
#3 as readable.
Looks like I'll go browse some python code tomorrow ...
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