Re: [Xen-devel] July 1 (no bk day) almost here
On 6/30/05, Ian Pratt <m+Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Did I miss a posting on the plans for what the Xen team will
> > be doing starting Friday as far as source code management?
> > Does the Xen team have licenses for bk?
> Until the middle of last week, we were planning on running mirrored
> bitkeeper and mercurial trees. However, our current understanding is
> that we'd need a BK licence for all the mercurial users who's changesets
> we were automatically importing into BK. This clearly isn't going to
> scale, so we've had to abandon it.
> So, the new plan is a big-bang switch over to mercurial. There's been a
> lot of effort invested in this by Michael and James, and it looks like
> we'll be good for a public go-live Thursday morning -- I'll send out an
> email detailing where the repositories are, and a 'getting started
> guide' prepared by Andrew that describes the mercurial equivalents of
> simple bk commands. We have a mercurial patchbot that will start sending
> out messages to the changelog mailing list as soon as we make the
> switchover.
> Pretty much all the revision history information in the BK repository
> has successfully been imported into mercurial. Various of us have been
> playing around with mercurial for a while now, and although it's a step
> backwards from bitkeeper, its currently quite usable, and improving
> fast. The mercurial developers have been very responsive in fixing minor
> bugs and adding features we've requested, so we think this is the best
> way forward. Rest assured we've spent a great deal of time investigating
> the alternatives...
what a great news. i cannot wait. isnt Thursday today ? ;-)
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