RE: [Xen-devel] July 1 (no bk day) almost here
> Did I miss a posting on the plans for what the Xen team will
> be doing starting Friday as far as source code management?
> Does the Xen team have licenses for bk?
Until the middle of last week, we were planning on running mirrored
bitkeeper and mercurial trees. However, our current understanding is
that we'd need a BK licence for all the mercurial users who's changesets
we were automatically importing into BK. This clearly isn't going to
scale, so we've had to abandon it.
So, the new plan is a big-bang switch over to mercurial. There's been a
lot of effort invested in this by Michael and James, and it looks like
we'll be good for a public go-live Thursday morning -- I'll send out an
email detailing where the repositories are, and a 'getting started
guide' prepared by Andrew that describes the mercurial equivalents of
simple bk commands. We have a mercurial patchbot that will start sending
out messages to the changelog mailing list as soon as we make the
Pretty much all the revision history information in the BK repository
has successfully been imported into mercurial. Various of us have been
playing around with mercurial for a while now, and although it's a step
backwards from bitkeeper, its currently quite usable, and improving
fast. The mercurial developers have been very responsive in fixing minor
bugs and adding features we've requested, so we think this is the best
way forward. Rest assured we've spent a great deal of time investigating
the alternatives...
Stay tuned :-)
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