Re: [Xen-devel] Xen and VLANs
Evan Bigall wrote:
I am using Xen 2.0 with Mandrake 10.1 based hosts and guests.
There seems to be some sort of issue with VLANs and MTUs?
Why bother use VLANS in dom-U?
My VMs have two nics, each connected to a separate bridge.
In Dom1, I do:
vconfig add eth1 5
ip addr add broadcast dev eth1.5
ifconfig eth1.5 up
In Dom2, I do:
vconfig add eth1 5
ip addr add broadcast dev eth1.5
ifconfig eth1.5 up
Pinging from Dom2 to Dom1, packet sizes smaller than 1469 work, packet
sizes of 1469 and larger just hang.
If I set the MTU on the interface down to 1450, I can then ping with
any packet size.
Has any done any experimentation with VLANs on Xen? A problem is that
the bridge does not support VLANs but I'm trying to work around that
in a variety of ways.
I use bridge, setup VLANS on Domain-0, and bridge each eth0.x on
Domain-0 to ethy on dom-U.
That way dom-U only sees eth0, eth1, eth2, and so on. It works flawlessly.
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