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[Xen-devel] ARP problems in -testing?

To: <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-devel] ARP problems in -testing?
From: "Ron Watkins" <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2005 11:42:42 -0500
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I'm seeing something rather unusual that I thought might be an ARP problem, but further testing appears to have ruled that out.
Scenario:  slave domains with random ARP addresses.  On a fresh start of a 
domain, it is unreachable from outside.  Pinging from Domain 0 to the slave 
domain work fine, but changes nothing.
Here's the interesting part: pinging from the slave domain to any external 
host, including Domain 0, also works... and immediately 'unsticks' the net 
connection, so that everything works as I expect it to.
This seems to happen with or without my firewalling rules.  (I disable the 
antispoof section of the 'network' script, so that the firewall rules there 
don't interfere with mine.)
My initial theory was that it's an ARP problem.  I thought the outbound 
packet was being bridged properly to the outside world, the router saw the 
arp address, and started working.   But this does not appear to be correct. 
If I add a secondary IP to the eth0 inside the virtual domain, I do indeed 
see arp requests and arp replies.
When it is in 'stuck' mode, running a tcpdump from the SLAVE domain shows 
the echo requests arriving: [ips changed to protect the morally 
16:36:54.694003 IP > icmp 40: echo request seq 2344

But there are no replies issued. After I ping the outside world, which instantly 'wakes up' the connection:
16:38:57.212284 IP > icmp 40: echo request seq 11816
16:38:57.212314 IP > icmp 40: echo reply seq 11816

This is from a brand-new download today, btw.

I am really mystified. Any suggestions?

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