Re: [Xen-devel] protecting xen startup
On Tue, Nov 23, 2004 at 06:07:52PM +0000, Mark Williamson wrote:
> >i notice that there's a management interface on port 8000.
> There are currently two HTTP-based management interfaces. Once of them is
> the Xensv web interface, the other is the Xend HTTP-based API, which is
> used by both the command line xm tool and Xensv to issue commands to Xend.
> >i seek to protect this interface such that nothing but a trusted program
> >(think selinux) may run, manage, start up or shut down xen oses.
> Currently, anyone who can access Xend's port can issue management
> commands. Xend can optionally be configured to only accept connections
> from localhost, in which case only local users will be able to issue
> commands to it.
is there anything preventing that interface from being removed, such
that the client/server bit is munged into a single application?
> >is the port 8000 stuff just providing a web server (/etc/init.d/xend)
> >front-end to some extra system calls?
> Not exactly. At the Linux Level, there aren't any extra Xen system calls.
> Most commands are issued to Xen by performing ioctls on the
> /proc/xen/privcmd file.
that means that it will be possible to lock down at the very least the
access to /proc/xen and later, should it prove worthwhile, to protect
each ioctl with a new selinux security id per ioctl command.
> The commands which are issued through this file
> are largely transparent to XenLinux however, having meaning only when they
> are parsed by Xen.
... that kinda goes without saying :)
> >is the port 8000 stuff actually running in the xen boot-up stuff?
> Xend starts its HTTP interface when it starts up and will do anything the
> HTTP interface tells it to do. If Xend isn't running then the HTTP
> interface is not accessible (but you can't do a lot without Xend).
... but there's nothing to prevent the merging of the xend and the xm
programs, bypassing the use of HTTP, right?
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