Re: [Xen-devel] Windows XP
>I am very interested in trying out WinXP on xen, I know its still on dev
>stage - but anyway, very interesting.
>How far is the dev on that issue, is it possible to actually run a live
>version of it?
>I know there migth be some license thing to clear out first, how do I
>proceed with this and what is the roadmap of actually getting hold of
>the code/binaries?
So I guess this should be added to the FAQ; basically the answers are
a) there's no version of xenxp available at present
b) we won't be making the old version (> 1yr old) available at
any stage barring miracles
c) we may produce a new xenxp at some stage -- but certainly not
before 2005 (and most likely only once VT ships)