[Xen-devel] Re: error in creating a second domain
Being a newbie of Xen, I am probably asking a question previously raised,
if so, please point me to the answer.
I made a hard drive installation of Xen1.2 from the CD. It runs perfect
with domain0. But I encountered some problems when I was tring to create
a second domain. Basically, I followed the instruction at
http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~u2ycc/xen/xen-install-domain-fs-howto.txt, I
built a new partition and populated the partition w/ the RH9 from the CD,
customized the configuration file.
Here is the output of xc_dom_create.py:
#xc_dom_create.py -fmyvm1.conf -Dvmid=1
Parsing config file '/etc/xc/myvm1.conf'
VM image : "/boot/xenolinux.gz"
VM ramdisk : ""
VM memory (MB) : "32"
VM IP address(es) : ""
VM block device(s) : "phy:hdc1,hdc1,w"
VM cmdline :
root=/dev/hdc1 ro 4 VMID=1
Error creating domain.
What could be possilbe wrong in this case? Where can I get detailed info
about this error? Is there a "debug mode" to look into?
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