Re: [Xen-devel] USB in xenolinux
> Wooaah! hold up there!
> This isn't going to work right now because Xen 1.2 currently
> assumes it contains all the hardware drivers, and there's
> currently no mechanism to (safely) export hardware to domains or
> plumb interrupts through.
> In your configuration, you've told dom0 to go behind Xen's back
> and help itself to the hardware. Since dom0 is fully privileged,
> Xen isn't stopping it, but it's going to end in tears...
> In the new IO world (which is still under development) you'll be
> able to plumb interrupts through to domains and selectively grant
> domains access to individual bits of hardware.
> This is still a few weeks away, though progress is fast.
> I'm afraid USB won't work until such time.
OK, I thought I vaguely recalled some discussion of such problems and
the brave new IO world as a solution. Just wanted to explore the
potential, but I'll wait for the new IO code until I hack any more.
Sean Atkinson <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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