Re: [Xen-API] XCP BETA BUG: memory limits error
It's likely to be the same root cause as the license issue. I'm currently
uploading an XCP-1.1 release candidate, so when that finally finishes I'll post
and you can see if the problem still exists.
On 20 Sep 2011, at 09:42, George Shuklin wrote:
> How can I debug it?
> In xensource.log I see only this:
> [20110919T11:36:42.991Z| info|test|18 unix-RPC|host.set_license_params
> R:f8586de1a1d3|license] New pool features enabled: VLAN QoS SStorage
> NTAP EQL Pool XHA MTC email perf WLB RBAC DMC chpt DVSC Mask Cnx Plat
> nonag VMPR
> On Пн., 2011-09-19 at 14:11 +0100, Jonathan Knowles wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 01:49:51PM +0100, George Shuklin wrote:
>>> xe vm-memory-limits-set uuid=any dynamic-min=128MiB dynamic-max=256MiB
>>> static-min=128MiB static-max=256MiB
>>> Error parameters: Memory limits must satisfy: static_min ≤ dynamic_min =
>>> dynamic_max = static_max
>> Normally, we would expect Xapi to apply the following constraint:
>> static_min <= dynamic_min <= dynamic_max <= static_max
>> However, when the DMC feature flag is missing, Xapi instead applies
>> the following constraint:
>> static_min <= dynamic_min = dynamic_max = static_max
>> The following code checks for the DMC feature flag, and chooses the
>> more restrictive constraint if the feature flag is not present:
>> https://github.com/xen-org/xen-api/blob/master/ocaml/xapi/xapi_vm_memory_constraints.ml
>> let assert_valid_and_pinned_at_static_max ~constraints =
>> if not (are_valid_and_pinned_at_static_max ~constraints)
>> then raise (Api_errors.Server_error (
>> Api_errors.memory_constraint_violation,
>> ["Memory limits must satisfy: \
>> static_min ≤ dynamic_min = dynamic_max = static_max"]))
>> let assert_valid_for_current_context ~__context ~vm ~constraints =
>> (if Db.VM.get_is_control_domain ~__context
>> ~self:vm || (Pool_features.is_enabled ~__context
>> Features.DMC)
>> then assert_valid
>> else assert_valid_and_pinned_at_static_max)
>> ~constraints
>> So, to solve this problem, it's necessary to find out why the
>> DMC feature flag is not being set.
>> Cheers,
>> Jonathan
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