> I've seen this too. I've also seen it with OpenXenManager. The
> workaround is to set the memory values in the right order on the
> command line (as to not violate the constraints).
> Can we trace this back to whether it is a xapi or XenCenter issue and
> submit the relevant bug?
Some details:
- I'm trying to deploy a new virtual machine using "Other media" or
"Windows xp" template;
- if I using the cli I don't have problem;
- if I clone the template without change the amount of memory there
are no problem;
- changing the amount of memory after the vm was created works;
This is the xencenter log:
2011-09-13 11:15:36,756 DEBUG XenAdmin.Actions.Action [Main program
thread] - Creating VM 'test' from template 'Windows XP SP3 (32-bit)'
2011-09-13 11:15:36,756 INFO Audit [Main program thread] - Operation
started: CreateVMAction: opxen.crs4.it: Creating VM 'test' from
template 'Windows XP SP3 (32-bit)'
2011-09-13 11:15:37,053 DEBUG XenAdmin.Actions.Action [3808] - Cloning
template 'Windows XP SP3 (32-bit)'
2011-09-13 11:15:38,053 DEBUG XenAdmin.Actions.Action [3808] - Provisioning VM
2011-09-13 11:15:40,256 DEBUG XenAdmin.Actions.Action [3808] - Setting
VM properties
2011-09-13 11:15:40,381 DEBUG XenAdmin.Actions.Action [3808] -
2011-09-13 11:15:40,460 INFO Audit [3808] - Operation success:
ChangeVCPUSettingsAction: opxen.crs4.it:
2011-09-13 11:15:40,569 ERROR XenAdmin.Actions.AsyncAction [3808] -
MEMORY_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION - Memory limits must satisfy: static_min =
dynamic_min = dynamic_max = static_max
2011-09-13 11:15:40,710 ERROR XenAdmin.Actions.AsyncAction [3808] -
in XenAPI.Response`1.parse()
in XenAPI.VM.set_memory_dynamic_min(Session session, String _self,
Int64 _value)
in XenAdmin.Actions.VMActions.CreateVMAction.SetVMParams()
in XenAdmin.Actions.VMActions.CreateVMAction.Run()
in XenAdmin.Actions.AsyncAction.RunWorkerThread(Object o)
2011-09-13 11:15:40,710 WARN Audit [3808] - Operation failure:
CreateVMAction: opxen.crs4.it: VM 13755392-594d-773d-f941-878804247afb
(test): Setting VM properties
2011-09-13 11:15:40,710 DEBUG XenAdmin.Actions.Action [3808] -
MEMORY_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION - Memory limits must satisfy: static_min =
dynamic_min = dynamic_max = static_max
MEMORY_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION - Memory limits must satisfy: static_min =
dynamic_min = dynamic_max = static_max
Template memory params:
memory-static-max ( RW): 268435456
memory-dynamic-max ( RW): 268435456
memory-dynamic-min ( RW): 268435456
memory-static-min ( RW): 134217728
xensource.log when i create the vm using default for ram:
[20110913T09:40:36.698Z| info|opxen.crs4.it|204925
inet-RPC|dispatch:VM.set_affinity D:6a74acea3696|api_effect]
inet-RPC|VM.set_memory_dynamic_min D:def9754858f9|audit]
VM.set_memory_dynamic_min: VM = 'e0e1c7b6-850e-6f41-b876-7b184842aa7f
(foo)'; value = 268435456
inet-RPC|VM.set_memory_dynamic_min D:def9754858f9|audit]
VM.set_memory_dynamic_range: VM =
'OpaqueRef:d8c84c5e-01ea-b395-1883-1b55503737c6'; min = 268435456; max
= 268435456
xensource log when i create the vm changing the amount of ram:
[20110913T09:43:55.384Z| info|opxen.crs4.it|204925
inet-RPC|dispatch:VM.set_affinity D:da11bdec8ae5|api_effect]
inet-RPC|VM.set_memory_dynamic_min D:fb0142ddbc7a|audit]
VM.set_memory_dynamic_min: VM = '30c85fb8-9a16-77a9-f123-2773b748627f
(newfoo)'; value = 536870912
inet-RPC|VM.set_memory_dynamic_min D:fb0142ddbc7a|audit]
VM.set_memory_dynamic_range: VM =
'OpaqueRef:28b169e8-e89d-1f46-86eb-7900bcb815ab'; min = 536870912; max
= 268435456
log when i change the memory after the vm was created
inet-RPC|VM.set_memory_static_max D:5d0d220042d8|audit]
VM.set_memory_static_max: VM = 'e0e1c7b6-850e-6f41-b876-7b184842aa7f
(foo)'; value = 536870912
inet-RPC|VM.set_memory_static_max D:5d0d220042d8|audit]
VM.set_memory_static_range: self =
e0e1c7b6-850e-6f41-b876-7b184842aa7f (foo); min = 134217728; max =
xensource log on Xenserver 5.5
[20110913 12:24:19.421|debug|flussio|9818469
inet-RPC|dispatch:event.next D:34961b6eb5b8|dispatcher] event.next
[20110913 12:24:19.453|debug|flussio|9818473
inet-RPC|dispatch:VM.set_memory_dynamic_min D:d6d3d36c16ee|dispatcher]
[20110913 12:24:19.455| info|flussio|9818473
inet-RPC|dispatch:VM.set_memory_dynamic_min D:d6d3d36c16ee|api_effect]
[20110913 12:24:19.462|debug|flussio|9818469
inet-RPC|dispatch:event.next D:9ff877ba28e3|dispatcher] event.next
[20110913 12:24:19.493|debug|flussio|9818473
inet-RPC|dispatch:VM.set_memory_dynamic_max D:882158e44859|dispatcher]
[20110913 12:24:19.494| info|flussio|9818473
inet-RPC|dispatch:VM.set_memory_dynamic_max D:882158e44859|api_effect]
[20110913 12:24:19.499|debug|flussio|9818469
inet-RPC|dispatch:event.next D:07569ffefc76|dispatcher] event.next
[20110913 12:24:19.533|debug|flussio|9818473
inet-RPC|dispatch:VM.set_memory_static_max D:80cced9fcbbe|dispatcher]
[20110913 12:24:19.535| info|flussio|9818473
inet-RPC|VM.set_memory_static_max D:635bd5ca9913|xapi]
VM.set_memory_static_max self =
OpaqueRef:a97f11d9-e1c4-9f8e-efb1-813bdd4b22c7; value = 536870912
Any idea?
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