RE: [Xen-API] XCP: How can I create a Resource Pool?(Either from Xen-API
There was an admin guide for XCP available on xen.org, but unfortunately it was
taken away due to some errors (see
http://blog.xen.org/index.php/2010/07/27/xcp-documentation-update/). Hopefully
we can get this back online as soon as possible. Meanwhile, you could refer to
XenServer's Admin Guide from citrix.com, as the info there roughly applies to
XCP as well.
To answer your question about resource pools, each XCP host is always in a Pool
(a pool of just that host after installation). A host can be added to a pool
using the Pool.join XenAPI call or the "xe pool-join" CLI command. See the API
docs for the Pool class for other operations related to pools
> -----Original Message-----
> From: xen-api-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:xen-api-
> bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Yueyu Lin
> Sent: 31 August 2010 08:51
> To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Xen-API] XCP: How can I create a Resource Pool?(Either from
> Xen-API or CLI)
> Hi, all
> I've checked the documentations for XCP, I can find XCP has
> introduced Resource Pool but I can't find detailed documentations about
> it and how to configure it either from Xen-API or CLI.
> Did I miss something? Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks a lot.
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