RE: RE: [Xen-API] Xen-API: XMLRPC Documentation
> > 2) Ocaml. May be cool academic language, but I think, there is a very
> > few ocaml programmers and intersection of sets of ocaml programmers
> > and xen specialists tends to single numbers.
> I believe the intersection of ocaml programmers and xen specialists is
> fairly small. In fact when I first started working on xapi I didn't
> know anything about xen so I wasn't in the intersection either. IIRC it
> took me at least a month or two to figure out the basics of xen...
> maybe someone else on the list can comment on how long it took them to
> learn ocaml? :)
Thanks for the invitation, Dave ;)
So I started working on xapi a bit over a year ago, without any prior knowledge
of OCaml (or any other functional programming language) or Xen. Although it
does require thinking in a slightly different way if you are used to C++ or
Python, it didn't take me long at all to learn how to use OCaml. As Dave said,
it was much more difficult to learn how xapi/Xen work than learning the
language. Besides, the way OCaml is used in xapi is quite straightforward;
basic knowledge is good enough to get going. Sites such as
http://www.ocaml-tutorial.org are really useful to get a quick idea of how it
work, so you can at least understand some of the existing code.
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