RE: [Xen-API] Xen-API: XMLRPC Documentation
Memory statistic AFAIK is implemented in XCP... In any way. xe vm-list
displays all memory data for VM. And real value of memory usage for
domain can be reed from xc.domain_getinfo). (Not very XenAPI-like, but
В Чтв, 26/08/2010 в 16:19 +0400, Vasiliy G Tolstov пишет:
> В Чтв, 26/08/2010 в 13:06 +0100, Rob Hoes пишет:
> > Hi Yueyu,
> >
> > There is a PDF document containing more details of the XML-RPC protocol.
> > Unfortunately I cannot find an XCP-specific version online, but it is more
> > or less the same as the XenServer API reference, which you can find at
> > http://support.citrix.com/servlet/KbServlet/download/23833-102-646000/xenenterpriseapi.pdf.
> > See Chapter 1 for the details of how to use the XML-RPC protocol.
> >
> > Then, you can use http://www.xen.org/files/XenCloud/ocamldoc/ as a
> > reference for the API's classes, calls etc. This is totally independent of
> > any programming language.
> >
> > We should probably integrate the information of Chapter 1 of the PDF in the
> > HTML docs, and also put the PDF online...
> >
> Why in all documentation still present vm_guest_metrics with information
> about memory usage, but it not implemented in xen now? May be best
> solution comment some where that is not implemented yet?
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