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Re: [Xen-users] Vista glued on my CPU

Thank you Denny for you answer.

I tried to run "xenstore-rm Vista" but nothing happens. "xenstore-ls" and "xm list" still have the same output. I do not agree with your statement that Vista does not consume any resources because "xm list" says that it has used 135,8 s CPU-time but I do not know what it did with this time.

Any other suggestions?

Denny Schierz schrieb:

Markus Mehrwald schrieb:
                                 0  3922     4     r-----
Vista 4096 4 135.8

i assume, that vista isn't running and doesn't consume any ressources.
"xm list" asking the xenstore backend and that is maybe the problem.
Delete vista in the xenstore Database with xenstore-rm. xenstore-ls
shows you all entries.

Maybe have a look at /var/lib/xen or something else.

cu denny


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Dipl.-Inform. Med. Markus Mehrwald
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