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[Xen-users] Booting FreeBSD diskless in DomU

Using the 2.0.6 demo cd image, I booted the supplied freebsd image and rsync'd
the file system to an NFS server. However I don not seem to be able to 
succesfully boot from it the system just hangs here:

xn0: bpf attached
xn0: Ethernet address: aa:00:00:61:1c:d4
lo0: bpf

I have modified /sbin/start_freebsd.sh and /etc/xen/freebsd.py to generate 
the following  configuration:

xendemo:~# start_freebsd.sh
Starting new guest domain

Using config file "/etc/xen/freebsd.py".
    (name FreeBSD-69)
    (memory 48)
    (cpu 69)
            (kernel /boot/freebsd)
            (root /dev/dns)
    (device (vif (mac aa:00:00:5b:7a:53)))

Is there something I am missing? The bridge seems OK I can access the nfs
exports from the demo cd's default DomUs. 

I include my modified files, as I am currently using a fixed IP I have only
been launching one instance of FreeBSD at a time.

xendemo:~# brctl show
bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
xen-br0         8000.00110a543046       no              eth0
xendemo:~# ifconfig xen-br0
xen-br0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:11:0A:54:30:46  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::200:ff:fe00:0/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:291944 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:533910 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
          RX bytes:16437710 (15.6 MiB)  TX bytes:77603155 (74.0 MiB)

xendemo:~# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=7.95 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.416 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.342 ms

 new FreeBSD guest domain

# Wait for the user if we're called on a VT
if [ $PPID -eq 1 ] ; then 
  echo "Press Enter to start a new FreeBSD guest OS"

# First it needs an ID

# Now here we go
echo "Starting new guest domain"

xm create -c -f /etc/xen/freebsd.py \
 root=/dev/dns \
 name=FreeBSD-$VMID \
 kernel=/boot/freebsd \
 ip='' \
 netmask='' \
 nfs_server='' \
 nfs_root=/FreeBSD53 \
 blkif=no \
 netif=no \
 memory=48 \

xendemo:~# cat /etc/xen/freebsd.py 
import xen.util.ip

##### Edit this python file to reflect the configuration of your system

##### This example script expects a variable called 'vmid' to be set.

def config_usage ():
    print >>sys.stderr,"""
The config file '%s' requires the following variable to be defined:
 vmid             -- Numeric identifier for the new domain, used to calculate
                     the VM's IP address and root partition. E.g. -Dvmid=1

Additionally the following variable may be defined:
 image            -- Path to kernel image, can be gzip'ed. [/boot/freebsd]
 mem              -- Memory size. [16]
 name             -- Domain name. [FreeBSD VM vmid]
 ip               -- Primary IP address for domain. [this domain's IP + vmid]
 nfsserv          -- NFS server IP address. []
 nfsroot          -- Path to nfs root filesystem. [/netboot/freebsd]
""" % config_file

# Define script variables here.
# xm_vars is defined automatically, use xm_vars.var() to define a variable.

def vmid_check(var, val):
    val = int(val)
    if val <= 0:
        raise ValueError
    return val
            use="Virtual machine id. Integer greater than 0.",

# This checks the script variables.

    kernel = kernel 
    kernel = "/u/kmacy/kernel" 

builder='linux' # this is a FreeBSD domain

# STEP 2. The initial memory allocation (in megabytes) for the new domain.
    memory = int(mem)
    memory = 256

# STEP 3. A handy name for your new domain.
    name = name
    name = "FreeBSD VM %d" % vmid

# STEP 3A. Which CPU to start domain on?
cpu = vmid # set based on vmid (mod number of CPUs) 

# STEP 4. Specify IP address(es), for the new domain.  You need to
# configure IP addrs within the domain just as you do normally.  This
# is just to let Xen know about them so it can route packets
# appropriately.

#vfr_ipaddr = ["111.222.333.444","222.333.444.555"]
# try:
#    vfr_ipaddr = [ip, xenctl.utils.add_offset_to_ip('',vmid),]
# except:
#  vfr_ipaddr = 
#                 xenctl.utils.add_offset_to_ip('',vmid),]
#vfr_ipaddr = [""];
vfr_ipaddr = [""] # xen-vm0

# STEP 5a. Identify any physcial partitions or virtual disks you want the
# domain to have access to, and what you want them accessible as
# e.g. vbd_list = [ ('phy:sda6','sda6', 'w'),
#        ('phy:sda%d' % (3+vmid), 'hda2', 'r'), 
#        ('vd:as73gd784dh','hda1','w'),
#        ('phy:cdrom','hdd','r')

#disk = [ 'phy:loopa,loopa,w' ]

# STEP 5b. Set the VBD expertise level.  Most people should leave this
# on 0, at least to begin with - this script can detect most dangerous
# disk sharing between domains and with this set to zero it will only
# allow read only sharing.

vbd_expert = 0

# STEP 6. Build the command line for the new domain. Edit as req'd.
# You only need the ip= line if you're NFS booting or the root file system
# doesn't set it later e.g. in ifcfg-eth0 or via DHCP
# You can use 'extrabit' to set the runlevel and custom environment
# variables used by custom rc scripts (e.g. VMID=, usr= )

netmask = xen.util.ip.get_current_ipmask()
gateway = xen.util.ip.get_current_ipgw()
    nfsserv = ''
extra = "boot.netif.ip="+vfr_ipaddr[0]
extra += ",boot.netif.netmask="+netmask
extra = ",vfs.root.mountfrom=nfs:"
extra += ",boot_verbose=yes"
extra += ",boot_single=yes"
#extra += ",boot_gdb=yes"
#extra += ",boot_gdb_pause=yes"

#cmdline_ip += ",init_path=/sbin:/sbin/init"
# there is no real MAC address - need hack in device driver
# cmdline_ip += ",boot.netif.hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:00"
# cmdline_ip += ",boot.nfsroot.server="+nfsserv
# try:
#    cmdline_ip += ",boot.nfsroot.path="+nfspath
# except:
#    cmdline_ip += ",boot.nfsroot.path=/netboot/freebsd"
# something is appending garbage to the end - make sure it is separate
#    cmdline_ip += ","

# STEP 7. Set according to whether you want the script to watch the domain 
# and auto-restart it should it die or exit.

auto_restart = False
#auto_restart = True


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