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[Xen-devel] [PATCH 0/3] Xen MCE test: overview

The following seriers implement a MCE test suite for Xen. Patch tested on Xen 
unstable c/s 22447.

The Xen MCE test suite is a collection of tools and test scripts for testing 
the Xen MCE processing features. The goal is to cover most Xen MCE processing 
code paths and features with automation tests.

It includes Xen MCE injection tool(fake error and inject error), and some 
automatic test cases. 

PATCH 1/3:
A sofeware MCE injection tool, which is based on Xen MCE injection mechanism. 
It allows to inject machine check errors on the software level into a running 

PATCH 2/3:
Implement some common shell functions and variable definitions are defined to 
be used by test cases.

PATCH 3/3:
All test cases and test suite README document.

The whole test suite in ./tools/tests/mce-test
[root@localhost mce-test]# tree 
├── cases
│   ├── srao_llc
│   │   ├── dom0
│   │   │   └── cases.sh
│   │   ├── guest
│   │   │   └── cases.sh
│   │   └── xen
│   │       └── cases.sh
│   ├── srao_mem
│   │   ├── dom0
│   │   │   └── cases.sh
│   │   ├── guest
│   │   │   └── cases.sh
│   │   └── xen
│   │       └── cases.sh
│   └── ucna_llc
│       ├── dom0
│       │   └── cases.sh
│       ├── guest
│       │   └── cases.sh
│       └── xen
│           └── cases.sh
├── config
│   └── setup.conf
├── lib
│   └── xen-mceinj-tool.sh
├── Makefile
├── results
└── tools
    ├── Makefile
    ├── README
    └── xen-mceinj.c

Best Regards,
Xudong Hao

Xen-devel mailing list



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