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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] xenctld - a control channel multiplexing daemon

Anthony Liguori wrote:
They do not take into account things like endianness into
consideration.  They certainly don't security into account at all.  To
export a proper TCP interface requires a higher level protocol.  The TCP
interface will have to do a certain amount of work to take these things
into account.

I think we all agree that we need a TCP interface.

No. In my implementation I think I have shown that you can run your cluster with a much more minimal network-interface.

My current implementation is less than 100 lines of network-facing code (using ICMP payloads, but the same could be achieved with UDP), though that increases to about 300 if you count in the SHA-1 implementation that I am using for verifying customer credentials. So 300 lines is for a complete solution including crypto and accounting/payment.

My nodes answer ARPs and pings, but that is all.

# nmap -sS blackbox07

Starting nmap 3.55 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2005-01-25 18:26 PST
All 1660 scanned ports on blackbox07 are: filtered

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 71.969 seconds


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