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Re: [Xen-devel] Bridging firewall?

On 21 Jan 2005, at 14:55, Grzegorz Milos wrote:

Is it possible with Xen to construct something like the following scenario.

Free/NetBSD (*) domU server running pf or Linux/iptables, acting as a
routing or bridging firewall for all the other domU guests? Further more
create virtual DMZ and internal services.

You'd probably keep the dom0 instance otherside this setup, with its own
filtering arrangement.

If you give direct network device access to first domU you can set-up your scheme fairly easily. Otherwise (in the standard setup) dom0 will be handling all the incomming/outgoing traffic with no involvment from first domU (so no
firewall possible there).

How? I thought all network traffic must pass through domain0 in first instance. How do you give a domainU instance direct access to a network interface, like eth1? I'm currently using a bridge, xen-br0, attached to eth1, and domainU attached to xen-br0. How can I configure domainU to attach to eth1 directly?

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