Re: [Xen-users] Best way to get Xen into Ubuntu Natty/64bit
On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 9:00 PM, Florian Heigl <florian.heigl@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> FILE UNDER: Why people consider using Xen complicated.
> SUSE might in some fashion be the best, well-rounded smarted Linux
> distro around. It might even have working Xen. And it looks like it
> does.
> But it doesn't support my disk controllers and it makes my head hurt
> so much. :/
> This story ends with a running xenstored, unmounted xenstore
> mountpoint and xl / xm not working.
> OpenSuse + headless xen server? Not so much.
... and that's why I still recommend good-old RHEL5 :D
To be fair, opensuse might be considered bleeding-edge enough that
some broken stuff is understandable. If you want something tested,
RHEL5.7 or SLES11.1 might be a better choice. Those who like
vmware-like functionality might even prefer using XenServer/XCP.
My last experiment was RHEL6 + xen 4.1 from
http://xenbits.xen.org/people/mayoung/EL6.xen/ + dom0 kernel from
http://xenbits.xen.org/people/mayoung/testing/ . It kinda work, but an
exsting ubuntu domU (on ext4) keep on having "ext4 journal aborted,
error, mounting read only" (or something like that) after abnormal
shutdown, which shouldn't happen (any journaling FS should
be good enough to recover from a power failure-like scneario), and
might indicate something wrong with dom0's xen-blkback module. So I
replaced the dom0 kernel with vanilla 3.1.0 (based on modified F16's
SRPM), and it's working as expected now.
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