Re: [Xen-users] Xen.org services migrating to Rackspace Hosting : some d
we will run a diff between the snapshot of the old wiki we published
when we created new-wiki.xen.org/old-wiki, such
that we know what has been changed since. So in a nutshell changes
made to the old wiki during the migration phase won't be lost, but
will create extra work.
What I would do is
a) If you want to create a new page, create it on the new wiki
b) If you want to edit an existing page, check whether the page
exists on the new wiki and edit it there. If it only exists in the
old wiki, edit it there.
On 09/11/2011 15:38, Jordan Tomkinson wrote:
Hi Lars,
If I wanted to contribute something to the wiki, should I do it on
or just wait until you have everything migrated ?
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 2:42 AM, Lars
Kurth <lars.kurth@xxxxxxx>
Hi everybody,
Rackspace Hosting has offered the Xen.org community to host xen.org
services and we have started migration last week. The
expectation is that all services will be migrated by Nov the
21st. There will be a number of services where there may be
short downtimes. These will be announced in due course.
Xen.org has already been migrated.
We have a new MediaWiki (in testing) and we will be retiring
the old MoinMoin Wiki. For now, you can check out the new Wiki
on http://new-wiki.xen.org. Note that only
a few pages have been migrated so far and I played with the
The expectation is that
- Pages marked as "Keep" in http://tinyurl.com/78fry5y
will be migrated first
- The old Wiki will become read-only and we also will publish
converted markup for the old Wiki. Test snapshots of these can
be found at http://new-wiki.xen.org/old-wiki/
& http://new-wiki.xen.org/old-wiki-converted/
- most pages appear to translate fairly nicely, except those
with images and macros
- Some pages, such as http://wiki.xen.org/xenwiki/VirtualPrivateServerProviders
may be migrated to the static xen.org site (TBD)
We intentionally do not want to wholesale migrate all content
as so much is out-of-date. The move to the new Wiki
The detailed timing (i.e. exactly when we will switch off the
old instance off is still to be determined). But it will have
to be before Nov 21st. Note that you can already sign up as
users: we will not migrate MoinMoin users.
We will leave the look and feel as a basic Media Wiki for now,
but will make improvements and install additional plug-ins,
etc. in due course.
I will let you know more on the timing on the other services
on Wednesday
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